
News from the Office:  We are coming up on the 4th of July Monday a week from now.  Back in the olden days we used to have an annual big sale over that weekend.  These days we would not even remotely think about doing a sale.  Nice guns are in just too short of a supply, and it would be a herculean task to find a substantial amount of high condition inventory to replace it.  Even the mediocre stuff is hard to come by these days.    Between everyone looking to park money in tangible assets and the large number of new collectors entering the field things are not what they used to be.

  Most of the very large post WWII “boomer” and “pre boomer” collections have been broken up and scattered to the four winds over the past 20 years.   Many of these collections were put together when WWII era firearms were not considered particularly rare or valuable.  These guys could over time amass a large number of guns for what even at the time was very cheap prices.  Most of them have liquidated their accumulations and cashed out.  The collections that we see these days that are being liquidated are usually much more modest affairs.  Because of this we just are not finding large troves of mint guns.  Usually what you see these days are just a handle full to a few dozen nice guns in well curated but modest collections.  Brett and I are more often than not just trying to track down a few nice pieces at a time.  If you do have anything to sell please let us know.  

Please make an appointment if you are stopping by the office.   We are more than happy to pull something for you to look at if you have an interest; we just need to know in advance and don’t mind a visit.