
In 95% condition we have a US Army inspected and accepted 1943 production Smith & Wesson Victory Model revolver in .38 special.  This revolver is all matching to include even the grips which rarely are found matching.  This is a GHD proofed Army Supply Program procured revolver, which indicates it was issued to either the Army, Navy or the OSS and it was not used as a war plant guard gun.  Surprisingly, most of these army marked Victories were sent to the US Navy and if you took the time to get a factory letter from Smith and Wesson it will likely tell you that it was shipped to the US Navy.

After the M1911 pistol, this was the most widely issued US military side arm of WW2.  These pistols were used extensively by the US Navy and it became their primary side arm and the preferred side arm of Naval Aviation air crew.  This is a very solid example and they must be in every US martial pistol collection.