
As far as Russian Nagant revolvers go, this is quite an eye popper.  In 96% all matching condition, we have a fairly Early 1930 Production M1895 Nagant Service Revolver.  This example still retains much of the iridescent  fireblue finish on the small parts and still has the early round front sight and is all matching with an excellent bore as well.   Early Soviet revolvers with all this going for them are not easy to locate; this is certainly not one of the turd redone imports of the previous decade.  If you are looking for a top collector grade example of this well known and legendary revolver this is a prime example.

Revolvers from this time period could have gone to the military, the Cheka, the NKVD or the police.  These revolvers are notorious for those basement purges at Lubyanka Prison during Stalin’s reign of terror.  Could hardly think of a better gun to list so close to Halloween.