October 25 what’s going on in the Pre98 Offices this week…..
We spent a very busy and tedious weekend in the office loading pictures on and making adjustments to our new web site. Please let us know what you think of the new Pre98 site, we welcome your collaboration.
There will be some new guns going on Monday and we hope to start loading the holsters and militaria such as bayonets and accessories this week at a continuous stream of about 5 or so a day. This will build up to a sizable inventory of goodies for you to purchase and it will replace our formerly massive Ebay operation. As we all know (and this is being charitable) Ebay is not what it used to be. We feel we can offer you better service and a better price without the irrelevant layer of bureaucracy and capriciousness that Ebay is so well known for. We have received many emails and requests to get back into the holster market and we will be re-opening this book of business this week and we are looking forward to finding and offering you great holsters for your great guns and a bayonet for every rifle.
Brett and I will be down in South Carolina later this week looking for guns so if you have something to sell, please let us know while we are in your next of the woods.
We would also like to thank everybody that has made suggestions and comments on the new roll-out, you have all been wonderful during this process and we take our commitment to serving our valued clients very seriously. We look forward to chatting with many of your this week and working with you on your next acquisitions.
For the firm………Scotty