
In EXCELLENT  all matching condition, we have a very sharp looking and rather hard to find code,Waffenfabrik Steyr made bnz 4 Code K98k Mauser rifle.  This rifle is all matching and has a mint bore. This rifle is from early 1944 producton and is in the ‘c” block well  before the switch to the Kriegsmodell variant.  The rifle was made mostly out of parts manufactured at the Radom plant in Poland, with the eagle 77 proof, with final assembly at Steyr.   The rifle is all matching with a mint bore. The stock has a very sharp and distinct looking Eagle H cartouche that was used on the late production Steyr made rifles.  The original mint condition late war sling is still with the rifle. This is a very desirable late war used vet brought back rifle. It is not duffle cut and is one of the finest examples of this code that we have been able to obtain.