
News from the Office:  as I write this update, we are having a very early heat wave here on the East Coast, its 94 degrees right now. Surprisingly sales have been on a bit of a heat wave as well.  I would have expected things to throttle back by now and sales to have moderated a bit and they probably would have if things were steady with the economy, but with inflation high and stock prices dipping, we see that interest in collectable firearms (read tangible assets) has not abated but increased. Sales are hot especially in the “blue chip” items such as the rarer Colts, 1911’s, Walthers and Lugers.  A lot of inventory is changing hands and collections right now.  We have a lot of things coming in from people who see this is a great time to cash out of old holdings and many others seeing this as a great time to lock in value against inflation by buying these items.  

Demand is out striping supply as it has been for some time, but we have been able to keep adding new stuff on a daily basis through a variety of sources.  We would remind our clients that if you are buying things to satisfy your scholarly and intellectually curios interests, then by all means keep on going down those wonderful rabbit holes; that is what I have been doing for years now.  However, if you are salting things away with an eye towards the items being a performing tangible asset for wealth accumulation then we strongly recommend that you focus on the “blue Chips” as they will always have enhanced liquidity no matter how the economy performs.  

Please make an appointment if you are stopping by the office.   We are more than happy to pull something for you to look at if you have an interest; we just need to know in advance and don’t mind a visit.