What’s new for early January……
Some of you may have seen Brett and I on the news last week, we were all over CNN,Fox, BBC and all the others as we were set up at the door of the Chantilly gun show and they all wanted to know about Our Prez’s new anti gun push….well…not too much there to speak of…..
We are working on an upgraded search process so that you can exclusively search sold or active inventory, hope to have that upgrade rolled out in the next week.
We are getting a ton of neat stuff in and its going out just about as fast as it comes in. We are headed to Louisville this week for the big National Gun Day Show. I am asking my self if it will steal the thunder of the SOS or will it be worse or better for the separation now that the shows are being run at different times. I have a feeling that Ron’s show will be pretty good this time so we got 4 tables. We hope to see a lot of you all there.