
Here is a wonderful war trophy, brought back by Sgt Rolland M Harris, a Sherman Tank commander in the 747th Tank Battalion attached to the famous blue/gray 29th Infantry division, who landed at Omaha Beach at D-Day +1 and fought his way across Northern Europe till VE day.  Included are the original bringback papers plus some unit history and personal information as well.

In 98% mint crisp condition we have a 1929 DWM “Sneak” Luger in the t block, that was Prussian State Police issued to the town of Liegnitz.  The Luger is all matching except for the magazine and it comes with the original matching number issued holster and tool.  The town of Liegnitz is in Silesia in Eastern Germany so you might ask yourself how this pistol came to be captured near the Siegfried Line on the western side???  The likely answer is that this pistol and the policeman who carried it went into the Waffen SS as there was a Polizei Division that was drawn from the ranks of the police across Germany.  So it likely was a combat capture or surrender from  an SS or Military Police Unit.  Finding Lugers with capture papers is not common at all, after all these years they rarely still remain with the pistol.  This is a great example of what was the most sought after war trophy of the European Theater.