
One of the rarest and never seen US Martial Pistols of the WWII era is the 2 inch barreled Smith & Wesson Victory model.  They are so elusive that we have up until now never even seen a confirmed genuine example.  The one that we offer you today is such a rare and well documented example and although its a bit salty looking the rarity in this case trumps any concerns over the physical condition of the artifact.  We have in rough but all matching condition except for the grips a genuine late 1942 Victory Model with a factory installed 2 inch barrel.  

According to the Smith & Wesson Letter this revolver was shipped in early December of 1942 to Fort Mason in California which at the time was the port of embarkation for the Pacific War.  Later research by noted firearms author Kevin Willams and S&W Historian Roy Jinks came to the conclusion that this revolver was actually in a shipment 2 weeks later on Dec 16, to the Washington Naval Yard, likely for Naval Intelligence use.  This information is contained  in emails that are included with the Smith Letter.  

We cannot overstate the rarity and the enhanced historical desirability of this item is especially in light of the recently discovered Naval history.  This will be one of the rarest Smiths in your collection.