
We had any number of nice phosphate finished  Gustloff-Werke manufactured bcd4 K98k Service Rifles pass through these halls over the years, but I have never seen one this stunning.   This rifle is completely matching and it has a mint bore and it appears to have been un-issued.  The light gray phosphate finish is very clear with no splotchiness that you often see on late war guns due to contamination in the phosphate solution.   This rifle was a WW2 G.I. vet bring back and was stored in a gun cabinet for decades. I’m sure it was a treasured war trophy as it was well cared for.   The eagle H stock cartouche is clearly visible on the side of the butt.    It is absolutely untouched and textbook correct, with the rare phosphate bolt which you hardly ever see. The stock has some chattering on it that really adds to the look, it has not been messed with.  This is a rifle for the true 98k connoisseur, you will not see a finer example of a phosphate finished rifle.