
This is a very rare Japanese type 99 rifle with a two concentric circle crest.  This indicates issue to a Non-military Institution of the Japanese Government.  Organizations that this rifle was issued to could have been the Police or Prison Guards or some possibly the Railroads.  This is a mint condition example and is very unusual as  THE RIFLE HAS NO SERIAL NUMBERS ON THE RECEIVER, THE BOLT OR THE BAYONET LUG.  The stock cartouche does bear a clue to the rifles manufacturer, it is very deeply stuck and hard to read but I think it is a Nagoya inspection Stamp.  While I have seen some mis matched and ratty looking examples of this very rare rifle this is hand down the finest example that we have come across.  This is a very well known and highly sought after type 99 variant for serious collectors and you will not find a better example of this very scarce rifle.