
This very rifle is pictured in the highly regarded and recommended Karem and Steves book Karabiner 98k  on pages 171, and 191.  In excellent condition and completely matching, we have a very rare and highly sought after late production Mauser Banner K Rifle.  The rifle is cartouched with the CHd’A marking which stands for the chief of the Training system of the S.A. known as the Chef des Ausbildungswesens der obersten S.A.  Approximately 10,000 rifles were sold by Mauser to the S.A. to arm this group of brown shirted goons.  After the fall of Ernst Rohm, the S.A. was downsized and re-organized and it is possible that this rifle ended up in the Army or SS or it may have stayed in the S.A.  Documented Nazi Party rifles are quite rare so this is a very historical weapon whose value is substantially upgraded by being pictured in the Bible of 98k Mauser’s. This rifle is still with the original Standard Modell type sling as well.    A true trophy for any collector.