News from the Office: Well summer is fading away into early fall and I heard the first rumblings of Halloween this week. There has also been a lot of chatter about and excite for the coming MAX Show which is being held mid-September. There is some real interest in this show, primarily because there has not been a significant show with any gravitas since Tulsa back in April. All the shows since that time have been completely underwhelming. Brett and I are certainly looking forward to attending but we will not be setting up. Based on what we have seen at previous MAX shows we just cannot justify a dog and pony show there with what we have seen attendance wise. Hopefully the show will get some legs under it as there is a need for a big show this time of year.
We will only be active in the office this week through Wednesday, so please let us know what you need before then if practicable, but we will have someone on 24/7 call as we are always on the clock if you should need anything from us.
Please make an appointment if you are stopping by the office. We are more than happy to pull something for you to look at if you have an interest; we just need to know in advance and don’t mind a visit.